since 1871
Hotline +49 7821 289-420

Reporting portal of Dahlinger GmbH

Dahlinger GmbH operates a confidential reporting portal in accordance with §§ 12 ff. HinSchG. All employees or business partners who wish to report possible violations of criminal law, other legal requirements, internal guidelines, our Code of Conduct or other detrimental behaviour by Dahlinger GmbH or other Group companies may submit a report to the Compliance Officer of Dahlinger GmbH. The compliance officer is obliged to maintain confidentiality in accordance with §§ 8, 9 HinSchG.

Please make sure that you are not violating legal provisions such as data protection when using our voluntary reporting centre. Only provide as much data as necessary. Before you report anything suspicious, please bear in mind that your information may have serious consequences for those affected.

Please do not provide any personal data such as your relationship to the suspect or your name if you wish to remain anonymous. Do not provide any facts that can be traced back to you. However, we would ask you to provide your personal details, as this will enable us to make enquiries and probably solve the problem more effectively. The protection clauses of §§ 33 to 38 HinSchG apply to all parties involved.

Please do not use our reporting centre for customer enquiries, other complaints or to ask questions about services or products of Dahlinger GmbH. Due to the duty of confidentiality, these may not be forwarded.